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Relational, Couples, and group Therapy

Aims to enhance intimacy and communication, deepen connections with loved ones, and to help people feel heard and seen in relationships. Provides support in understanding and navigating conflict, recognizing unhealthy patterns in relationships and helps to develop new ways of relating and understanding with compassion and healthy boundaries. At Intero we believe that relationships are crucial to feeling well in the world, and this work is oriented towards helping foster deeper connections to loved ones around us. 

Who can benefit from relationship therapy?

Couples, families, friend groups and other social systems, taking into account the individual, relational, social, cultural, gender and other variables that play a role in communication struggles.

Modalities provided at INTERO

Draw from a variety of systems and family therapy modalities. We provide couples and family therapy in a traditional talk-therapy format, and also provide such work within the KAP approach. In Relational, Couples & Family KAP, we use the psychedelic medicine as a tool to increase intimate connection and to better address barriers to intimacy (adults only).